Giving Tuesday is a day to do good and to give back.

It’s a chance to say thank you and a chance to show your local community just how much you care. It was started in 2012 by two small non-profits in New York that wanted to highlight local giving the way Small Business Saturday promotes local businesses. Giving Tuesday follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday with the idea that local charitable giving right after so much consumerism is a really nice balance. In less than four years, it has become a social media force that helps local charitable organizations meet the needs of their clients.

We, at Family ACCESS, are working really hard to raise awareness of our organization through this event, “I believe that giving locally on #GivingTuesday is an extraordinary simple, but elegant, way to express our support our most vulnerable families. Many of them are feeling especially vulnerable and alienated this year and your financial support tells them that they are not only welcome, but they are critical to the character of our community,” Jon Firger, Executive Director of Family ACCESS.

A local resident, Alexandra Hall, started giving on #GivingTuesday because she wanted special gifts for friends so she made donations in their names. She went to our website because she felt that it fit her friends interests and passions. “It was an incredibly easy process and I wound up walking away feeling good about having helped an organization that needs a boost and got my friends some really great gifts that were from the heart. I ended up donating from myself as well.”

So make today the day you give back to your local community. Make #GivingTuesday your new annual day to make it count!

Donate Now!